
Five Cool Things and The Shape of Water

I watched one movie every day in the month of August. This is quite unusual for me as I usually ...
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Five Cool Things and Don Williams

Just jumping right in... Close Encounters of the Third Time There is a scene relatively early in Close Encounters where ...
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Five Cool Things and Hurricane Harvey

As a semi-professional movie reviewer (meaning I get some free perks, but not an actual pay check), I try to ...
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Five Cool Things and a Solar Eclipse

Another week, another five cool things. The eclipse dominated the headlines this week. I didn't have any special glasses but ...
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Five Cool Things and Crimetown

After a long day of work, I typically want to do nothing but lay on the couch, watch a movie, ...
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Five Cool Things and a New Cat

My wife took my daughter to Kentucky to visit her family this week. As anyone who has been in a ...
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Five Cool Things and Glacier National Park

A big thanks to Gordon for handling some of my duties while I was gone. The family and I took ...
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San Diego Comic-Con 2017: Taking a Step Back for a Look 

What if I said that the San Diego Comic-Con International has nothing to do with comics? For anyone that has ...
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Five Cool Things and San Diego Comic-Con 2017

Mat, the normal curator for this column, and his family have gone on vacation, but with San Diego Comic-Con having ...
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Five Cool Things and Ready Player One

As I'm desperately searching for cool things to write about each week, I've come to realize that while I'm discovering ...
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Five Cool Things and Edgar Wright

Edgar Wright's Baby Driver came out last week. I made plans with my cousin to see it on Tuesday afternoon. ...
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Five Cool Things and Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle

Another week, another five cool things. GLOW I spoke a couple of weeks back about the trailer to the new ...
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Five Cool Things and Game of Thrones: Season 7

I work from home which has all kinds of advantages. One being that I don't have a boss with prying ...
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Cinema Sentries

Five Cool Things and Anita Pallenberg

Summer has come to Oklahoma which means it's hot. Damn hot. Too hot to do anything but sit inside and ...
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Cinema Sentries

Five Cool Things and Wonder Woman Getting Spanked

I spent much of last week catching up on all the DC films to prepare myself for the release of ...
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Cinema Sentries

Five Cool Things and Foo Fighters

I try to go into movies cold, knowing as little as possible about them.  I might watch a trailer and ...
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Five Cool Things and The Gifted

Its been a tough week around here. Last weekend, the cat we've had for 12 years went into kidney failure, ...
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Five Cool Things and Chris Cornell

It was a good week for movies in the Brewster house. I watched a couple of things I've been wanting ...
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Five Cool Things and Blade Runner 2049

My wife came down with something nasty last week. I'm sure I've complained in these pages about the numerous times ...
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Five Cool Things and Jonathan Demme

Let's just get to it, shall we? Here's five cool things I discovered this week. Fargo: Season 3 I've not ...
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Five Cool Things and Earth from Saturn

If I spent most of last week preparing for my daughter's birthday and the visitation of her grandparents, then this ...
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Five Cool Things and Good Friday

This week I spent a lot of time preparing for both my daughter's birthday and the arrival of my in-laws ...
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Five Cool Things and the New Pornographers

Last week, I had a lot of fun with my new Amazon Fire TV, streaming shows I'd previously not been ...
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My Most Anticipated at the 2017 TCM Classic Film Festival 

One of the things I look forward to most every year is the TCM Classic Film Festival. It is a ...
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Five Cool Things and Christopher Walken

For my birthday last week, my wife bought me an Amazon Fire TV. We've had an Apple TV for several ...
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The poster of the movie Cinema Paradiso

Five Cool Things and My Birthday

I'm running out of interesting things to say in the intro to these things so lets just get to it. ...
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Five Cool Things and St. Patrick’s Day

It seems like every time I write one of these I'm making excuses. Someone in my family was sick, or ...
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Five Cool Things and Robert Osborne

I've been writing this column for a little while now so I'm getting pretty good at making little lists of ...
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Five Cool Things and Logan

It's been a busy week in the Brewster home. Work has been absolutely insane. keeping my days mostly pop-culture free. ...
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Five Cool Things and an Early Spring

I'm starting to sound like a broken record, but once again sickness found its way into the Brewster house this ...
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Five Cool Things and George “The Animal” Steele

A great big thanks to Gordon and Shawn for helping out last week. A couple of weeks ago I noted ...
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Five Cool Things and Greta Anderson

As Mat mentioned in the previous installment of Five Cool Things and..., "For the last couple of months, my wife ...
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Five Cool Things and Frederick Douglass

For the last couple of months, my wife and I have been passing The Crud back and forth between each ...
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Five Cool Things and Mary Tyler Moore

It has been a long, weird week in the Mat Brewster home, culturally speaking. Work has been busy, keeping me ...
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Five Cool Things and Moe Howard

To let you in on a little behind-the-scenes action here at Cinema Sentries, me and boss-man Gordon spent some time ...
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Five Cool Things and a Larch

It is universally acknowledged that 2016 sucked. The world of entertainment and art lost an unimaginable number of talented creators. ...
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Best Comic Releases of 2016

Written by Katelyn Powers It felt like a dumpster fire kind of year, but let me tell you - it ...
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The Best TV Shows of 2016

In which Shawn and Kim take a look back at the brilliant storytelling shows from 2016. Shawn: If T&A is ...
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Cinema Sentries

Artists Overlooked by the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (2016 Edition)

Last week, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame announced their nominees for their 2017 induction ceremony, which will be ...
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Top 10 TV Shows That Deserve More Attention

Rolling Stone just conducted a major poll involving actors, writers, producers, critics, and showrunners to come up with the 100 ...
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Gene Wilder’s Other Films

It would be too easy to pick my five favorite Gene Wilder films. It would include the favorites like Willy ...
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Top 10 Films of the 21st Century (so far)

The editors of BBC Culture "decided to commission a poll of critics to determine the 100 greatest films of the ...
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Maron Ended and My Dad Died, but Not in That Order

Three years ago today​, my family and friends gathered at my parent's house to celebrate the life of my father ...
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Ghostbusters Reboot: Why We’re Cautiously Optimistic

Written by Elizabeth Eckhart The past few years have been met with constant reboots and remakes of old classics, such ...
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Cinema Sentries

Thoughtful & Abstract: DC TV

In which Shawn and Kim discuss the weekly DC Comics-based shows and shirtless heroes. Shawn: I've caught up on most ...
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My Favorite David Bowie Songs

David Bowie was a genius, a rebel, a god, and a musical innovator who had no equal. He was brilliant, ...
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David Bowie, The Heart’s Filthy Lesson, Se7en, and Me

David Fincher led me to David Bowie. I doubt that was a typical path to the Thin White Duke, but ...
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Remembering David Bowie and “Under Pressure”

Being an only child, but having some hip uncles who were more like older brothers, I got exposed to a ...
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David Bowie’s “Life on Mars?” Signified the Arrival of an Innovator

Against a blindingly white background, a man stands alone. Clad in a sky-blue suit and sporting technicolor makeup, the figure ...
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T&A Take on TV 2015

In which Shawn and Kim reflect on their favorite television programs and the disappointments. Shawn: We've had a few opportunities ...
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