I am taking over the reigns this week, the start of which was pretty brutal with the tragic loss of life in Las Vegas and the death of beloved rocker Tom Petty. But bleak news shouldn’t stop people from finding good in the world, so here are the cool things I found solace in this week.
Daredevil vs. Spider-Man

I collect Marvel’s Essential line that collects old issues in trade paperbacks, and while reading Daredevil Volume 1, I encountered the two-parter (Issues # 16-17) where ol’ Webhead guest stars. Naturally, they have the traditional fight against each other as heroes do when they meet up, thanks to the Masked Marauder, but the best parts were seeing Spider-Man breaking into Nelson & Murdoch’s office mistakenly thinking Foggy was DD and Daredevil getting J.Jonah Jameson to go on TV to denounce Spidey in order to set up a meeting.
The Vietnam War
I have made my way through the first four episodes of Ken Burns & Lynn Novick’s ten-part documentary. Not being a historian or war buff, I have no idea how complete and accurate it is but it is thorough. I find it a fascinating look at the war, in large part because North Vietnamese soldiers were intereviewed, as well as Americans, and offered their perspective to the story.
Blade Runner 2049
Fans and moviegoers are right to be cautious with sequels, prequels, and any other expansions properties, especially when it’s something as beloved as the original Blade Runner was.
David Letterman on The Tonight Show
In a recent release from Time Life focusing on Johnny Carson and friends, one of the friends is David Letterman, who Carson clearly believed in as he had Dave back many times, including as a guest host, and his production company produced Late Night with David Letterman. The episodes of Dave are all classics: his first time doing stand-up, the first time appearing after it had been decided Jay Leno was taking over for Johnny, and his final appearance, just a few episodes before Johnny said farewell.
The Foreigner
Jackie Chan taking on the IRA. My money is on Jackie.
Tom Petty (1950-2017)

I almost went with all Petty covers and easily could have, but thought this was the best: Dave Matthews, Steve Earle, Emmylou Harris, Patty Griffin, and an unnamed gentleman at Seattle Moore Theatre. The Lampedusa tour, which they are taking part in, benefits the Jesuit Refugee Service, so there’s a chance this was likely already considered by them but after Petty’s death, this just had to be part of the set list.