Above Suspicion: Complete Collection DVD Review: It’s No Prime Suspect, but It Ain’t Half Bad
By Mat Brewster |
It’s impossible not to compare it to La Plante’s other series, but it is well worth watching.
Gone Girl Is the Pick of the Week
By Mat Brewster |
This week brings us David Fincher’s latest thriller, an empires final boardwalk, a Hendrix biopic, a space documentary and The Facts of Life.
Boyhood Is the Pick of the Week
By Mat Brewster |
After a week off I’m looking for movies about boys, girls, a former wizard growing horns, and Nick Cage in his most inexplicable role ever.
The Night Porter Criterion Collection Blu-ray Review: A Nazi Love Story
By Mat Brewster |
It’s a thin line between exploitation and art.
Pride (2014) Is the Pick of the Week
By Mat Brewster |
It’s a slow week and I’m using that as an excuse to say very little.
Intruders (2014) DVD Review: Moody Paranormal Thriller Looks Good but Lacks Depth
By Mat Brewster |
An interesting premise that’s well executed but not entirely thought through.
Arrested Development: Season 4 Is the Pick of the Week
By Mat Brewster |
Another banner week of releases as Christmas comes near.
Book Review: Popeye: Classic Newspaper Comics, Volume Two 1989-1998: A Surprisingly Modern and Adult Take On The Classic Character
By Mat Brewster |
If you think Popeye is some silly kids comic from a bygone era, think again.
Guardians of the Galaxy Is the Pick of the Week
By Mat Brewster |
This week brings us several Criterions; more Woody Allens; three TV collections; a talking, space-traveling raccoon; and so much more.
The Strange Color of Your Body’s Tears Blu-ray Review: Bizarre, Incomprehensible, and Mesmerizing
By Mat Brewster |
A hallucinatory fever dream of a film that is surprising, strange and wonderful.
Austin City Limits Celebrates 40 Years Is the Pick of the Week
By Mat Brewster |
This week brings us an excellent concert series, some damn, dirty apes, short journeys, vampires, and more.
Drunk History: Seasons 1 & 2 Is the Pick of the Week
By Mat Brewster |
I’m taking a chance that an odd comedy will actually tickle my funny bone.
The Rolling Stones: From the Vault – L.A. Forum (Live in 1975) DVD Review: It’s Only a Concert Video, but I Like It
By Mat Brewster |
The band shows why they remain the very definition of rock and roll.
It Happened One Night Is the Pick of the Week
By Mat Brewster |
The Christmas season keeps bringing all sorts of great stuff.
Borgen: The Complete Series DVD Review: Danish Politics Fit for Americans
By Mat Brewster |
Borgen makes the incomprehensible Danish political system not only understandable but lots of fun to watch.
Saturday at Wizard World Tulsa 2014: My First Con Experience
By Mat Brewster |
My first ever Con found me checking out cosplayers and listening to James Marsters and William Shatner.
Lots of TV Series Sets Are the Picks of the Week
By Mat Brewster |
Halloween is over so its time for the Christmas season and with it lots of big TV collections.
Book Review: Puck: What Fools These Mortals Be!: Political Cartooning at its Finest
By Mat Brewster |
A collection of historic, important, and just a little bit esoteric political cartoons from a bygone era.
Stanley Kubrick: The Masterpiece Collection Is the Pick of the Week
By Mat Brewster |
Christmas is coming and with it comes big boxed sets and lots of TV collections.
Earth to Echo Blu-ray Review: Steven Spielberg’s Lawyers Ought to Be Happy
By Mat Brewster |
A nostalgic family film that wants to remind you of classic ’80s adventure movies, but instead made me chuck things at my TV.
Dr. Katz Live Album Review: The Classic Animated Comedy Live and on Stage
By Mat Brewster |
There’s no squigglevision, but the laughs are as strong as they ever were.
Deliver Us from Evil (2014) Is the Pick of the Week
By Mat Brewster |
Surprisingly, it’s a weak week for scary movies, but a good one for everything else.
Maleficent Blu-ray Review: Gorgeous to Look at, but Hard to Watch
By Mat Brewster |
It is an entertaining, well performed, family film that lacks a coherent vision and feels like it was made by a committee instead of a filmmaker telling a singular story.
Book Review: Lit Up Inside: Selected Lyrics by Van Morrison: You’ve Heard the Songs, Now Read the Lyrics
By Mat Brewster |
Have I told you lately that I love Van Morrison?
Book Review: Percy Crosby’s Skippy: Daily Comics 1931-1933: Long-forgotten Magic
By Mat Brewster |
With any luck this collection will bring Skippy back to the public consciousness – it certainly deserves it.
Snowpiercer Is the Pick of the Week
By Mat Brewster |
This week’s releases include a highly acclaimed science fiction movie, several complete television collections, an HBO special, and more.
Book Review: Owsley and Me: My LSD Family by Rhoney Gissen Stanley with Tom Davis
By Mat Brewster |
Making music, love, and enough LSD to get the whole world high.
The Honorable Woman DVD Review: A Slow, Dense and Immensely Entertaining Thriller
By Mat Brewster |
A densely plotted drama that loses none of its depth while remaining thrilling to watch.
X-Men: Days of Future Past Is the Pick of the Week
By Mat Brewster |
The film matched all of the promise of the concept.
Sleeping Beauty: Diamond Edition is the Pick of the Week
By Mat Brewster |
I can’t wait for my little girl to grow up with me and movies.
The Exorcist: The Complete Anthology and Halloween: The Complete Collection Are the Picks of the Week
By Mat Brewster |
As Halloween creeps near its time to start bringing out the big horror collections.
Eraserhead Is the Pick of the Week
By Mat Brewster |
David Lynch’s bizarre, brilliant masterpiece gets the Criterion make-over.
Line of Duty: Series 2 DVD Review: A Tired Genre Made Good
By Mat Brewster |
Series 2 doesn’t stray too far from the premise it set up in Series One, but that’s not a bad thing, not a bad thing at all.
A Long Way Down Is the Pick of the Week
By Mat Brewster |
Despite not liking a good number of his books, I can’t help but love Nick Hornby.
Book Review: Alfred Hitchcock’s America by Murray Pomerance: Not for the Faint of Heart
By Mat Brewster |
My suspicion is unless you are a frenzied scholar this book might notoriously turn you psycho.
Line of Duty: Series 2 Is the Pick of the Week
By Mat Brewster |
This week brings some good TV and some classic monsters.
Blandings: Series 2 Is the Pick of the Week
By Mat Brewster |
P.G. Wodehouse’s wonderful characters make it to the small screen.
A Young Doctor’s Notebook DVD Review: And You Thought Don Draper Was a Dark Character
By Mat Brewster |
Dead babies, botched amputations, and lots of laughs.
Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down! Is the Pick of the Week
By Mat Brewster |
This week sees two foreign releases from Criterion and some excellent television.
Batman: Assault on Arkham Blu-ray Review: Better than Its Straight to Video Release Implies
By Mat Brewster |
Who needs Batman when you’ve got the Suicide Squad?
The Railway Man Is the Pick of the Week
By Mat Brewster |
I’m always interested in seeing the films Colin Firth is in because even if the film’s rubbish, you can count on his performance.
Community: The Complete Fifth Season is the Pick of the Week
By Mat Brewster |
It’s a reasonable bet that I’ll be buying it on DVD sooner or later.
Noah (2014) Is the Pick of the Week
By Mat Brewster |
Darren Aronofsky used nearly all the tricks in his arsenal to create a visually stunning and well-crafted movie.
Chiller: The Complete Television Series DVD Review: Not Worth Your Time
By Mat Brewster |
Mostly, it’s completely forgettable.
The Essential Jacques Demy Is the Pick of the Week
By Mat Brewster |
What I have seen looks like pure joy.
Persona Criterion Collection Blu-ray Review: An Absolute Must Have
By Mat Brewster |
A great film that should be watched and revered by any serious cinephile
Crystal Lake Memories: The Complete History of Friday the 13th DVD Review: Jason, Jason, and More Jason
By Mat Brewster |
If you love this series, then this will no doubt get your slasher-juices flowing.
Under the Skin is the Pick of the Week
By Mat Brewster |
I pray that it becomes more than another footnote on the Mr. Skin webpage.