
Cinema Sentries

Five Cool Things and Foo Fighters

I try to go into movies cold, knowing as little as possible about them.  I might watch a trailer and ...
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Five Cool Things and The Gifted

Its been a tough week around here. Last weekend, the cat we've had for 12 years went into kidney failure, ...
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Five Cool Things and Chris Cornell

It was a good week for movies in the Brewster house. I watched a couple of things I've been wanting ...
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Five Cool Things and Blade Runner 2049

My wife came down with something nasty last week. I'm sure I've complained in these pages about the numerous times ...
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Five Cool Things and Jonathan Demme

Let's just get to it, shall we? Here's five cool things I discovered this week. Fargo: Season 3 I've not ...
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Five Cool Things and Earth from Saturn

If I spent most of last week preparing for my daughter's birthday and the visitation of her grandparents, then this ...
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Five Cool Things and Good Friday

This week I spent a lot of time preparing for both my daughter's birthday and the arrival of my in-laws ...
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Five Cool Things and the New Pornographers

Last week, I had a lot of fun with my new Amazon Fire TV, streaming shows I'd previously not been ...
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Five Cool Things and Christopher Walken

For my birthday last week, my wife bought me an Amazon Fire TV. We've had an Apple TV for several ...
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The poster of the movie Cinema Paradiso

Five Cool Things and My Birthday

I'm running out of interesting things to say in the intro to these things so lets just get to it. ...
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Five Cool Things and St. Patrick’s Day

It seems like every time I write one of these I'm making excuses. Someone in my family was sick, or ...
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Five Cool Things and Robert Osborne

I've been writing this column for a little while now so I'm getting pretty good at making little lists of ...
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Five Cool Things and Logan

It's been a busy week in the Brewster home. Work has been absolutely insane. keeping my days mostly pop-culture free. ...
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Five Cool Things and an Early Spring

I'm starting to sound like a broken record, but once again sickness found its way into the Brewster house this ...
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Five Cool Things and George “The Animal” Steele

A great big thanks to Gordon and Shawn for helping out last week. A couple of weeks ago I noted ...
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Five Cool Things and Greta Anderson

As Mat mentioned in the previous installment of Five Cool Things and..., "For the last couple of months, my wife ...
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Five Cool Things and Frederick Douglass

For the last couple of months, my wife and I have been passing The Crud back and forth between each ...
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Five Cool Things and Mary Tyler Moore

It has been a long, weird week in the Mat Brewster home, culturally speaking. Work has been busy, keeping me ...
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Five Cool Things and Moe Howard

To let you in on a little behind-the-scenes action here at Cinema Sentries, me and boss-man Gordon spent some time ...
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Five Cool Things and a Larch

It is universally acknowledged that 2016 sucked. The world of entertainment and art lost an unimaginable number of talented creators. ...
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