In which Shawn and Kim are grateful there are only two episodes left.
Shawn: Well, I got what I asked for.
I’ve wanted to see more of the daily life as the government cracks down and people are still completely unaware of what is happening. We’ve progressed another week since the military first arrived at the end of the last episode and they’ve developed a small community inside their neighborhood “safe zone”. It’s not unlike what we’ve seen in The Walking Dead and I think it’s an interesting phenomenon for humans to want to keep recreating a comfortable, idyllic neighborhood society when given a chance. Travis has become the “mayor” of this safe zone and in a way became more interesting to me. By the end of the episode, he’s turned into more of a skeptic about what the military is feeding them and I like where that story is heading.
Checking in with you, Madison. At least you are still getting laid – even if it’s in the backseat of the car. I think they are wasting her character a bit here. She believes Chris from the start and has a little adventure outside of the fence. She’s got some common sense but we don’t get the idea that she has much influence on the group. Why does she come off as crazy or whiny?
In an episode where very little happens, let me address the zombie in the room. See that’s a trick statement because there are no zombies. Anywhere. At any point in the episode. In fact, the time when Madison was roaming the streets and there was some suspense that there could be some roaming dead, there were in fact only actual dead dead. If you aren’t going to have any zombies in your zombie show, there should be some tension that there could be around any corner or behind any door. But there wasn’t and I felt jus slightly cheated. When I wanted more exposition, I didn’t mean a whole hour of exposition without any death and gore. I like vanilla and chocolate. I like salt and pepper.
I want to close with the house on the hill. It seems to symbolize a few different things – all of which I think are too easy. It starts with Chris (being played by a young Johnny Depp, I think) on the roof seeing that there is life outside the fence. It’s a clue that the military might be lying about the extent of the contagion outside the walls. But it’s also a call for help to move them out of their complacency. The house ends with being the motivation for Travis to see that they have to leave. As the shots ring out in the house on the hill – the boy that watched it to start is now a man watching it and realizing the military can’t be trusted.
A few parting thoughts…
The deal with the neighbor was boring and kinda pointless. So he drove his car and the army took him away.
They took Nick away but I fear that we will have to see him again. Now that I’ve seen him taking morphine into his toes, I’m not sure I have much use left for him.
They fooled me by getting off to a great start with the Lou Reed song.
They couldn’t have pulled these army guys from a better cartoon? We’ve seen each of these “characters” in every army movie ever. Right down to the guy driving golf balls because he doesn’t give a shit about you and the soldier falling in love with the civilian who will eventually turn to help them or betray them causing the need to escape.
I’m going to need a heavy dose of the Dead next week or I’m going to fade away.
Kim: I’m sorry, but this show would be more aptly titled Fear the Monotony. I think I established last time that Johnny Depp plays Nick, not Chris, so you’re wrong there. Moving on…
When I finished watching this episode, I had only one real thought. It was that I was grateful there are only two episodes left. This show is a disappointment to me. Yes, I do understand it’s a prequel. I understand it’s supposed to be the early days of the zombie outbreak. However, I think if you’re going to draw in fans of The Walking Dead for the long haul, you’re going to need to placate them a little more. It’s fairly tiring to watch much of the stupidity that occurs. I did, however, come up with a few “oh, come on” moments so that I at least have something to say.
You mentioned people wanting a community. The thing is, I don’t think these people want it. I think that most of them wanted to get the hell out of Dodge and the GI Joes have come in and locked them down, making them believe this is a safe place and essentially forcing them to stay behind the fence. This problem is the removal of anyone presumed ill by the military. Remember when the Governor took anyone who was strong and able to fight to the showdown at the prison? So, what’s different, is they’re just removing those not able to do so. It’s the same tired scenario. Maybe they really are taking the sick to a facility to help them, but if so, I have this other nagging issue over here. I’m having flashbacks to where Beth ultimately bit it and the “safe” hospital they had in Atlanta. I just feel like they’re rehashing things that I’ve already seen – just putting an L.A. spin on it. Come on!
I actually had a feeling during this episode! Let me tell you all about it, because it’s the first one I’ve had in four episodes and I’m not expecting anymore. I was angry at Travis. Yeah, while the bastard is out jogging, Madison is doing everything inside by herself. Cooking, cleaning, tolerating, babysitting and enabling. I was really kind of pissed that in nine days they hadn’t all figured out how to get everything done as a team before someone goes out for a leisurely run through the hood. Come on, now.
The kid on the roof – whatever. You make that little turd help out. Then again, you’re letting the druggie float in a pool, so you’re really not making your kids do jack shit. Except for Alicia because she’s got to go get your rations after breaking into Susan’s house and reading a letter that she wrote to her husband, which basically was a goodbye note. But we don’t know when she wrote it. Was she a fortune teller? Did she write it as a zombie? What the hell is happening here? Come on.
Don’t get me started on the morphine between the toes, though that’s a common shoot-up site for addicts. In the webbing between fingers is also popular. I’m having a hard time understanding where Liza got the morphine from in the first place and why she didn’t share a little with Griselda. And how she leaves her kid in the end without saying goodbye. I mean, come on.
I’m also not happy that they portray the military in an extremely negative light – as some monsters who go out into town and kill everything that moves, whether it be living or dead. Didn’t we see someone playing golf in TWD? Hitting the balls at walkers? Wasn’t that the hot Latino dude that the Gov. offed? Matinez? Get something new. Obviously, the main army dude is our Governor parallel.
Speaking of parallels, Nick can’t stay in the house (Carl, get in the house!), Madison is my Lori – I just don’t like her and she seems kind of a pain in the ass, even though she’s seeing what’s really going on. Travis I see as more of a Dale – always thinking of some positive way to spin this shit, then butt hurt when he’s proved wrong. And there is no Daryl! This is awful.
I’ll watch the last two because in spite of the massive pile of suck this show has been for me, I’m still hopeful that something magical will happen – like a dirty biker with facial hair and nice arms will crash through the fence and become everyone’s favorite rebel. Sure, he won’t be eating squirrels shot with his crossbow, but he can probably hit a raccoon with his bike and feed a couple of people.
I’m still firmly #TeamDaniel, but I’ve got Georgia on my mind – even if they’re no longer in Georgia. Hurry back, The Walking Dead. I’m losing my fear.