Five Cool Things and Jordan Peele’s Us

It was back-to-school week for my daughter, which means some adjustments for everybody. Baths need to be taken every night ...
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Knives of the Avenger Blu-ray Review: Swords, Sandals, and Not Much Else

Come with me, my friends, for a trip down memory lane. The year is 1982 and a little fantasy film ...
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Cinema Sentries

Castle Rock: The Complete First Season Blu-ray Review: So Much Potential Wasted

My love of reading and addiction to Stephen King started at a young age thanks to my Uncle Vern. King's ...
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Let the Corpses Tan Blu-ray Review: An Assault on the Senses

With The Strange Color of Your Body's Tears, French directors Hélène Cattet and Bruno Forzani created a modern giallo that ...
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