Men in Black: International Movie Review: A Neuralyzing Experience

To quote Emma Thompson's character, Men in Black: International feels like a case of deja vu dismissed just as quickly. It features ...
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The Silent Partner Blu-ray Review: An Underseen Gem

An average, ordinary, unambitious bank teller who lives alone, works on chess problems by himself, and collects tropical fish discovers ...
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Us Blu-ray Review: A Stunning Second Effort by Jordan Peele

When comedy icon and new horror master Jordan Peele made his 2017 smash, Get Out, he created a new type of ...
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Thirst (2009) Blu-ray Review: A Wicked Love Story

After the Twilight franchise nearly ruined the vampire film with its sour and teeny-bopper mix of staleness, Coldplay, and glitter, filmmakers set ...
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