Cinema Sentries

Party Girl (1958) Blu-ray Review: Neon Underworld

Fans of director Nicholas Ray (best known for the James Dean vehicle, Rebel Without a Cause) should enjoy Party Girl ...
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Cinema Sentries

Los Angeles Comic Con 2021 Panels I’d Like to See

After skipping the past two years due to Covid, the folks at Los Angeles Comic Con are holding their tenth ...
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Cinema Sentries

Mad Max Anthology 4K Ultra HD Box Set Review: Work in Progress

You know how all major video games launch with issues that have to be fixed after release? Well, sometimes it ...
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Cinema Sentries

The Ghost Ship/Bedlam Double Feature Blu-ray Review: Two Val Lewton Suspense Thrillers

Val Lewton ran the horror film unit at RKO Picture from 1942 to 1946. The massive success of Cat People, ...
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