Speedy Criterion Collection Blu-ray Review: The End of an Era

Not only is "Speedy" the title character played by Harold Lloyd in his last silent film and last appearance as ...
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Female Prisoner Scorpion: The Complete Collection Blu-ray Review: She’d Have Killed Bill in the First Movie

Despite all the blood, boobs, torture, cruelty, crazy lighting schemes, and wild camera angles, the most indelible image in these ...
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War Dogs Movie Review: It’s a Dog Alright!

Written by Kristen Lopez War Dogs ads have glommed on to the recent trend of lampooning Donald Trump's "Make America ...
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Twilight Time Presents: Breaking the Rules of a Lovelorn, War-torn World

In a previously penned piece, I published my admiration of Michael Winner's Chato's Land (1972), which saw a recent Blu-ray ...
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