Batwoman: The Complete First Season Blu-ray Review: The Arrowverse Finally Goes to Gotham

Warner Bros. Home Entertainment provided the writer with a free copy of the Blu-ray reviewed in this article. The opinions ...
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Backlash (1956) Blu-ray Review: Searching for Gold and Daddy

A woman rides up to a man digging in the dirt in what appears to be an abandoned camp out ...
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Bloodstone Blu-ray Review: Indiana Jones and the B-Movie Knock-Off

Arrow Video continues to release HD versions of the film of Greek director/writer/producer Nico Mastorakis, and I am here for ...
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Happy Happy Joy Joy: The Ren & Stimpy Story Movie Review: Yes, Sir. I Do Like It

Do you know what rolls down stairs, alone or in pairs, and over your neighbor's dog? Do you know who ...
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