Cinema Sentries

The Sheik (1921) Blu-ray Review: A Silent and Problematic Classic

In December of 1912 a beautiful young man with the unlikely name of Rodolfo Alfonso Raffaello Pierre Filiberto Guglielmi di ...
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Cinema Sentries

From the Couch Hole: Nothing but Sincerity As Far As the Eye Can See

Previously on FTCH, we got in the Halloween mood with a Stone IPA, Stephen King, and the aliens that abducted ...
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Cinema Sentries

Doctor Who: The Edge of Reality Video Game Review: Allons-y!

Licensed video games are always fraught with the peril of hardcore fan expectations vs. actual gameplay. Add in the burden ...
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Cinema Sentries

Movie Review: Joy Ride (2021)

As a writer and a comedian, you never want to be hacky. And I certainly don't want to be hacky ...
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