Cinema Sentries

Iron Man 2 Movie Review: Not Great, Not Awful, Pure Meh

Written by Fido I went into the first Iron Man with a fair share of non-enthusiasm, as I'm not a ...
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Cinema Sentries

Raging Bull 30th Anniversary Edition Blu-ray Review: That’s Entertainment

Martin Scorsese's biography about middleweight boxer Jake "The Raging Bull" La Motta (Robert De Niro) is a fascinating spectacle of ...
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Cinema Sentries

Animal Kingdom DVD Review: Crime and Punishment in Suburban Melbourne

J (newcomer James Frecheville) is an 18-year-old boy thrust into the midst of his criminal extended family when his mom ...
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Cinema Sentries

The Incredible Hulk (2008) Movie Review: Credible At Best

In the opening credits we are filled in on the events that lead Dr. Bruce Banner to be hiding in ...
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