Cinema Sentries

Looney Tunes Super Stars: Pepe Le Pew DVD Review: Le Win

As some of us sit and wonder if we’ll ever see one über-definitive ginormous anthology that delivers every Looney Tunes ...
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Cinema Sentries

World on a Wire Criterion Collection DVD Review: A Superb Piece of Science Fiction

What if everything you thought you knew was nothing but a fabrication? This is but one of the many themes ...
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Cinema Sentries

3 DVD Review: A Playful Menage a Trois

After one entirely dull, far too self-serious attempt at a big-budget Hollywood crossover in The International, it’s nice to see ...
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Cinema Sentries

Book Review: Reel Culture: 50 Classic Movies You Should Know About (So You Can Impress Your Friends) by Mimi O’Connor

Reel Culture: 50 Classic Movies You Should Know About (So You Can Impress Your Friends) by Mimi O’Connor is an ...
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