Arrested Development: Season 4 Is the Pick of the Week

So often when writing this series I have to admit that I haven't seen the things that I pick, or ...
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Book Review: Wonder Woman: The Complete Newspaper Strips 1944-1945 by William Moulton Marston & Harry G. Peters

Written by Chad Derdowski Superheroes had only been in existence for a handful of years when Wonder Woman burst on ...
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Book Review: Modern Sci-Fi Films FAQ by Tom DeMichael

Written by Anastasia Klimchynskaya The author purports to make a relatively comprehensive guidebook to sci-fi films since the '70s- with ...
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Top Five Movie Review: Genuine Laughs with the Sting of Truth

Perceptive moviegoers know that they can pick up clues about the movie they're about to see by the trailers selected ...
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