The Hateful Eight is the Pick of the Week

Last Friday, I loaded the family into the car and we spent Easter weekend in our old stomping grounds in ...
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Book Review: Star Trek: New Visions Volume 3 by John Byrne

Growing up in the ‘70s and early ‘80s, before VCRs became commonplace in households, we were limited to the whims ...
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They’re Watching Movie Review: Scary Monsters and Scarier Moldovans

Written by Elias Levey-Swain They're Watching is not an ordinary horror-comedy. It does not blend well the themes of both ...
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Making The Grade Blu-ray Review: An Unappreciated Comedy That Has Held up Nicely Over the Years

Palmer Woodrow (Dana Olsen) has been thrown out of six different schools in the last three years. His parents are ...
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