Wrestling (real wrestling – not that soap-opera stuff you see on cable TV) is an odd sort of sport. You basically dress two people in tights, toss them on a rubber mat, and watch while they try to roll each other on the ground. I know there is more to it than that and I don’t mean to belittle the sport’s rich history, its athleticism, or the skill involved, but really it is pretty silly. Which probably helps explain why it never really took off professionally (aside from the even more silly aforementioned soap-opera stuff) and why there aren’t a whole lot of movies about it.
Steve Carell is a very silly man. Probably best known as the ridiculously bad boss Michael Scott in The Office, but also spent several years on The Daily Show and has starred in such comedies as Despicable Me, Anchorman, The 40-Year-Old Virgin and Get Smart. You know who he is, Carell has proven himself to be one of the funniest actors in Hollywood.
But when you put a very silly sport together with a very funny man apparently you get a very serious drama. Foxcatcher is based upon the true story of Jon du Pont, the very rich and very generous philanthropist and an amateur sports enthusiast who murdered wrestler Dave Schultz. The reviews have been mostly good and Carell’s performance has especially been praised.
I can’t say I’m much for any form of sports, and certainly not wrestling, nor am I a particular fan of sports movies, yet Foxcatcher looks like the sort of drama that can take something as uninteresting as wrestling and create something quite wonderful out of it.
Also out this week that looks interesting:
The Humbling: No doubt Al Pacino’s best days are behind him, but this film based on a Phillip Roth novel and directed by Barry Levinson might be his chance to finally shine again.
The Last of Robin Hood: Another tale based upon a true story. This one involves the legendary Errol Flynn (Kevin Kline) who marries 15-year-old Beverly Aadland (Dakota Fanning) in his declining years. The two fall in love, make pro-Castro propaganda in Cuba, clash with her mother, and deal with the press once they get word of their unusual relationship.
Longmire: The Complete Third Season: A very enjoyable, if rather standard crime drama.
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1: I really don’t understand the love for this series.