When Donald Trump was unfortunately elected in 2016, that obviously set out an extreme chain of events that have turned the country inside out and upside down. Due to his tyranny, lies, dishonesty, and negligence, there has been police brutality, even more intense racism, and very deadly global epidemic. Because of this, there have been so many protests (peaceful or otherwise), and many films have depicted this, the government’s hold on humanity and totalitarianism, such as 1984, Brazil, and V for Vendetta (adapted by director James McTiegue and written by Wachowskis), a solid and dystopian thriller that remains incredibly potent during these uncertain times we are living in.
The film take place in a futuristic Britain, one that is run by corrupt forces. Natalie Portman stars as Evey, a moody young woman who is rescued by a masked avenger only known as “V” (Hugo Weaving). She drawn into a revolution when V detonates two London landmarks and takes over the airwaves, urging his fellow citizens to rise up against mayhem and oppression. As Evey discovers V’s true identity and reasons why he does what he does, she learns all abut herself and accepts her destiny as his unexpected ally to fight and bring freedom and peace back to their society.
It’s no surprise to see how this eventually became a fan favorite, despite the mixed reviews it received during its initial 2006 release. It suggested the how bleak the future would be and how there may be nothing we can do about it. Despite its flaws and shortcomings, I think that it’s a film that will continute to age well and be a template how to depict a real modernity (for better or worse).
For the first time ever, you can own it on 4K UHD (considering if you have 4K player), and enjoy some old and new special features, such as a new conversation between McTiegue and Lana Wachowski; Portman’s audition tapes; TV short V for Vendetta Unmasked (available exclusively here); Designing the Near Future featurette; Freedom! Forever!: The Making of V for Vendetta; Cat Power music video; theatrical trailer, and much more! If you’re a big fan of this and other comic books adaptations, or looking for something different, then this combo pack should make a worthy addition to your collection.
Other releases:
Lake Michigan Monster (Arrow): A black-and-white odyssey centering on the eccentric Captain Seafield, who enlists a group of an offbeat crew of misfits in a bid to slay the savage sea monster that lurks among the murky depths.
The Mortal Storm (Warner Archive): Margaret Sullivan and James Stewart star in the 1940 classic about the Roths, a family living a quiet life in a small village in the German Alps during the early 1930’s. When the Nazis arrive, the family becomes divided and a friend of the family gets caught in the turbulence.
Ryuichi Sakamoto: Coda (Kino): A thoughtful and sublime portrait of the legendary music composer and actor.
Man of the Year: The late, great Robins Williams plays an irreverent and unapologetic talk show host who runs for President…and actually wins.