Terrence Malick has only directed five feature films in his nearly 40-year career. I’d say he lacked ambition except that all of those films were hugely ambitious in scope and meaning. I’ve only actually seen two of those five (Badlands and The Thin Red Line), but both of those were beautiful, artistic measure, and his other films are very much on my list of things to see. For me Malick is a bit like Kurosawa and Bergman in that I’ve loved everything I’ve seen by them, but their films are often so dense, so full of meaning that I know I have to be in the right frame of mind to see them, and its often so much easier to watch something more light.
The Tree of Life got some rave reviews and some miserable pans. It won the Palme d’Or at the Cannes film festival but also apparently got booed at its press screening. It is hugely ambitious covering the creation of the universe and the nature of life while interweaving stories that are apparently more poetic than typically narrative. Whatever it is it lands on the top of my picks for this weeks DVD/Blu-ray releases. It comes out in a Blu-ray/DVD/Digital copy combo as well as a traditional DVD release. The only special features appears to be a 30 documentary.
Also coming out this week of interest.
Green Lantern (Blu-ray): I’m pretty much over superhero movies at this point so I don’t have much interest in this one, but I’m in the minority with that opinion. This is another big Blu-ray/DVD/Digital copy release with lots of special features including an extended cut of the film, a picture-in-picture feature called “Maximum Movie Mode,” featurettes, a digitally enhanced Justice League #1 and deleted scenes.
Horrible Bosses (Blu-ray and DVD): I’m not usually much for comedies like this one, but I like the cast and the previews looked funny.
Zookeeper: Appears to be a pretty bare-bones DVD release of what looked like a pretty dumb comedy.
Bones: The Complete 6th Season: I gave up on this show several seasons ago, but its still pretty popular with the fans.