The question we are faced with, dear reader, is whether to go with the new release that we have seen and loved, or the one we have not watched but really want to. The answer, it seems is to go with what we know. At least for this week.
The Terror is a new anthology series from AMC. Season One fictionalizes the true story of the crew members of two British ships, the HMS Erebus and the HMS Terror, that set sail in the 1800s to find the fabled Northwest Passage to Asia and were never seen alive again. Based upon the book by Dan Simons, The Terror is, well, terrifying, but also really compelling and emotionally satisfying. It is the odd horror story that spends as much time developing characters as it does trying to scare you. It’s my favorite new series and you can read my full review.
Also out this week that looks interesting:
First Reformed: This is what I’ve not seen, but I’m really excited about. Paul Schrader’s best-reviewed film in a long time (if not ever) focuses on a priest of a small, but historically important church who reaches a spiritual crisis after a friend commits suicide. I’m trying not to spoil myself so I don’t know much further about it, but I keep hearing really good things including from our very own David Wangberg.
Deadpool 2: Ryan Reynolds is back as the Merc with the Mouth. It’s pretty much everything you want from a Deadpool movie (if everything you want is the same stuff you got in the first movie, but more). It’s full of nicely shot actions sequences, R-rated moments and plenty of fourth wall breaking, self aware jokes.
Ash vs Evil Dead: The Complete Third Season: Now officially the final season of this horror comedy from Starz. Based upon the Bruce Campbell trilogy of films, this series should be right up my alley. I did enjoy about half the first season but got distracted. Now that it’s over I think I’ll catch up.
The Walking Dead: The Complete Eight Season: I’m so ready for the series to die.
Gotham: The Complete Fourth Season: Has Batman showed up yet?
Masters of Sex: The Complete Series: Based upon the lives of sex researchers Masters and Johnson, this Showtime series had Prestige TV ambitions but became more soapy than golden as it went along. Read my full review.
Heaven Can Wait (Criterion Collection): Gene Tierney and Don Ameche star in this Ernst Lubitsch film about an old sinner who arrives in Hades to review his life with Satan to decide on the fate of his eternal soul.
Smithereens (Criterion Collection): A narcissistic runaway engages in a number of parasitic relationships among members of New York’s fading punk scene.
Color of Night: Kino Lorber Studio Classics gives this sexy Bruce Willis thriller that bombed at the box office a new high-definition special edition. Luigi Bastardo has our review.