This month marks a pivotal moment in the history of Todd McFarlane’s Spawn. The monumental issue #350 promises an unprecedented shift and new direction for the acclaimed Spawn series—initiating not only a new era for Spawn, but also sending shockwaves through the rest of the Spawn Universe of titles. In Spawn #350, after a 250-issue vacancy, a NEW RULER will sit on the Throne of Hell, and this momentous reveal will affect the direction of the main Spawn series’ storyline—as well as radically change trajectory of its monthly companion series: King Spawn, The Scorched, and Gunslinger.
Buy Spawn Compendium, Color Edition, Volume 1This line-wide new direction makes February the perfect time for new readers to get on board with the Spawn Universe. In light of this massive narrative change, Spawn #350—along with King Spawn #31, Gunslinger #29, and The Scorched #27—all serve as ideal jumping-on points for both seasoned Spawn fans and newcomers alike, and will offer compelling introductions to the Spawn Universe. The events of Spawn #350 will change the status quo for these titles forever… and readers will want to see the fallout.
As the repercussions of the events unfolding in Spawn #350 echo throughout the Spawn Universe, they will impact the fate of every character. The balance of power will undergo a dramatic shift. Characters—both past and present—will find themselves at the forefront of this ever-evolving storyline, reshaping the Power Rankings within the Spawn Universe.
Continuing to showcase their creative ingenuity, Spawn and Gunslinger are set to undergo artistic transformations, too, as esteemed artists Brett Booth and Carlo Barberi exchange artistic roles—bringing fresh perspectives to both titles beginning with Spawn #351 and Gunslinger #29. These titles will showcase this new direction with a bold cover banner atop the title’s logo, and future issues of The Scorched and King Spawn will also don the same callout banner.
Fans will soon bear witness to their beloved characters’ struggles with the consequences of losing the powers once bestowed upon them from Heaven or Hell, while also adapting to their newfound roles and identities.
It will affect everyone.