Cinema Sentries

The 2019 TCM Classic Film Festival Review: Day Four

The last day started with my first 9 am block viewing.  While I was tempted to sleep in, I couldn't ...
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Cinema Sentries

The 2019 TCM Classic Film Festival Review: Day Three

Day Three started with what turned out to be my favorite film of the festival, Kind Hearts and Coronets (1949).  ...
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Road to Zanzibar (Special Edition) Blu-ray Review: Welcome to the Jungle, Hope and Crosby Got Fun and Games

Kino Lorber Studio Classics has added to their roster Special Edition Blu-ray releases of the first four Road pictures starring Bing ...
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Cinema Sentries

The 2019 TCM Classic Film Festival Review: Day Two

My first full day started with one of my all-time favorite actors Gary Cooper starring in Love in the Afternoon ...
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