Tales from the Gimli Hospital Redux Blu-ray Review: Oddest of Odd Bedfellows

David Cronenberg, fellow Canadian and not a stranger to weirdness once said, "You haven't truly seen a foreign film until ...
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Mr. Wong Collection Blu-ray Review: Boris Karloff Detects

The early 1920s saw an influx of Chinese immigrants to the United States. This so-called "Yellow Peril" unsurprisingly led to ...
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The Bridges at Toko-Ri Blu-ray Review: The Toll of War

Korean war movies all tend to have a sense of ambivalence. WWII movies, even when they have obligatory scenes of ...
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Book Review: Eddie Muller’s Noir Bar: Cocktails Inspired by the World of Film Noir: A Complete Package

Dark corners. Quiet conversations. Secrets that get spilled after a few too many. This could be a scene from a ...
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