Cinema Sentries

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Movie Review: The Empire Strikes Back of the Harry Potter Series

As the film begins, the Death Eaters rampage has spilled over into the Muggle world while forces appear coming to ...
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Cinema Sentries

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Ultimate Edition Blu-ray Review

Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire is the fourth film of the series based on the fourth book of ...
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Cinema Sentries

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Movie Review: Why So Sirius?

It is year three for Harry (Daniel Radcliffe) and his friends at Hogwarts School and the big news as the ...
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Cinema Sentries

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Movie Review: Mysteries and a Riddle

As Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets begins, life has slightly improved for Harry (Daniel Radcliffe) at the Dursley ...
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