Cinema Sentries

Division III: Football’s Finest Blu-ray Review: Andy Dick Jokes Do Not a Movie Make

For those of you who have ever found themselves lying awake in bed, unable to sleep, fathoming mysteries such as ...
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Cinema Sentries

Three Outlaw Samurai Criterion Collection DVD Review: Three is the Magic Number

When peasants stage an uprising against their greedy local magistrate, they find an unlikely ally in the form of a ...
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Cinema Sentries

The Big Year Blu-ray Review: One of the Best Family-Friendly Comedies of 2011. Seriously!

As Adolfo Celi’s Emile Largo once said to Sean Connery’s James Bond in Thunderball, “Every man has his passion.” Now, ...
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Cinema Sentries

The Magnetic Monster DVD Review: A Very Good Science-Fiction Film

With the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, the world changed forever. Nuclear research and the splitting of ...
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