Immortals Blu-ray Review: Both a Must-See and Not Worth the Price of a Rental

Written by Chad Derdowski When I saw previews for Immortals last year, I was on the fence. Visually, it looked ...
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Book Review: Conan Volume 11: Road of Kings: By Crom! Roy Thomas Delivers

Written by Chad Derdowski The 11th volume in Dark Horse’s Conan series finds Robert E. Howard’s most famous creation commanding ...
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Cinema Sentries

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (1979) Blu-ray Review: The Spy Who Went Out in the Cold

Decades before last year’s theatrical adaptation, John le Carre’s classic espionage novel was the basis for this BBC TV miniseries. ...
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Joffrey: Mavericks of American Dance Movie Review: The Politics of Dance from the Ground Up

Joffrey: Mavericks of American Dance does what ballet so often fails to do: it draws laymen into a world perceived ...
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