Book Review: Zero Dark Thirty: The Shooting Script Transcends the Finished Product

Written by Kristen Lopez It wasn't surprising that screenwriter Mark Boal's script for Zero Dark Thirty didn't nab the coveted ...
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Atlas Shrugged Part II Blu-ray Review: Critic Shrugged

After middling returns for the first movie, it's surprising that this second installment even exists. For that fact alone, the ...
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The Insider Blu-ray Review: An Engrossing, Troubling Thriller

The Film An exceptionally engrossing thriller and a chest-beating indictment of corporatization, Michael Mann's The Insider features the filmmaker firing ...
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The Ballad of Narayama Criterion Collection Blu-ray Review: Kinoshita’s Kabuki Theatre Envisions Ubasute

The concept of ubasute is at the centre of The Battle of Narayama, the 1958 film by Japanese director Keisuke ...
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