The Secret of Santa Vittoria Blu-ray Review: Because Nothing Brings a Town Together Like Booze

As anyone who has ever seen the likes of Wall-E or even Army of Darkness knows all-too-well, heroes can sometimes ...
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Man Hunt (1941) Blu-ray Review: Ein Film von Fritz Lang? Oh Heck, Ja!

Once, as a child in the 1980s, I found myself sitting up late one night watching TV. It was nothing ...
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Wizards and Warriors: The Complete Series (1983) DVD Review: Long Overdue

Although the concept of the sword and sorcery line of adventure films had been in employment for several decades prior ...
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The Railway Man Is the Pick of the Week

My wife, like all red-blooded women (and more than a few red-blooded men) loves Colin Firth.  She practically drools anytime ...
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