Landline Movie Review: Too Bound Up in Its Own Familiarity

Written by Kristen Lopez Rewatching films of the past quite often leaves audiences saying, "This premise would never work in ...
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Hailing Frequencies Open with Dennis Hanon, IKV Stranglehold 

Stranglehold is a not-for-profit, San-Diego-based fan group that not only puts on the long running Klingon Lifestyles panel at San ...
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S.O.B. (1981) Blu-ray Review: Julie Andrews’ Most Revealing Role

For a film director, there surely can be no greater blow to the ego than to have your work re-edited ...
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The Fencer Movie Review: Touching Soviet-Era Sports Drama

Never before have I seen a sports movie whose main emotional tone was quiet dread. One look at the title: ...
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