Tom Cruise, the human, seems like a pretty awful dude. He’s a high-ranking member of a terrible cult/religion that uses brainwashing, blackmail, and mob-like intimidation techniques. He’s publicly made damaging comments about psychiatry, that if taken seriously, could do untold harm to millions of patients who desperately need the medical practice and their prescribed medication.
I also don’t think he’s that great of an actor. He gets the job done, sometimes very well, but there’s never been a moment in which I found his performance in any film to be elevated into the level of greatness.
Despite all this, I really kind of like the guy. He’s got that x-factor, that insane charisma about him that’s made him one of the world’s biggest movies star for three decades now. He’s got a knack for choosing interesting and exciting roles to play. He’s been directed by some of the best in the business. Even when he makes a bad movie, it’s hard to keep your eyes off of him. I am always interested in seeing what he’s going to do next.
In 2012, he made Jack Reacher an action thriller based upon a novel by Lee Childs. This was part of his comeback effort after dealing with the blowback of the public coming to know more about his actions within the Church of Scientology. It made money but didn’t do that well critically. I saw it with a buddy of mine when we were looking for a guy’s night out type of film with plenty of dumb action. With Jack Reacher, we got exactly that. It’s not very good, or even very memorable, but I still kind of liked it.
I want to see the sequel even though I can only expect more of the same. Jack Reacher: Never Go Back finds our hero running to uncover the truth behind a government conspiracy that will clear his name. Along the way, he uncovers a secret that could change his life forever. Consider it the poor man’s Jason Bourne.
Despite my personal feelings toward Tom Cruise, the human, I can’t help but want to watch his films.
Also out this week that looks interesting:
Victoria: The Complete First Season: Jenna Coleman (who played Clara in Doctor Who) stars as Queen Victoria in this BBC/PBS mini series. I enjoyed her in Doctor Who, though I felt she was often poorly written, and am a sucker for British aristocratic series so I’l be sure to watch this soon.
Ballers: The Complete Second Season: Dwayne Johnson stars in this HBO series about a group of football players and the people around them. Looks like an attempt to capture the Entourage magic. Too bad Entourage was never that good. But I like Dwayne Johnson despite myself so I’ll eventually see what this is all about.
Pinocchio (Disney Signature Collection): The animated classic gets another Blu-ray release that’s filled mostly with old parts, but contains a few new extras. Read my full review.
Masterminds: Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon, Jason Sudeikis, Owen Wilson, and Zach Galifanakis star in comedy about a bank heist. It’s based upon a real-life robbery that netted the thieves $17.3 million.
Love Camp 7: I don’t know why a genre such as Nazi exploitation exists, and even thrived through much of the 1970s but I’m happy to live in a world in which it does and in which those films get new Blu-ray upgrades.