As Mat stated last week, he’s currently off in Wyoming celebrating his in-laws’ 50th anniversary. But that doesn’t mean people stopped enjoying cool things, so Shawn Bourdo and Gordon S. Miller are joining forces to fill in during Mat’s absence part this week.
Shawn’s Cool Things:
Westworld / Legion
Westworld is suffering from a bit of True Detective-ism mixed with some Leftovers-itis symptoms. An intriguing concept with amazing actors that played out surprisingly over the course of Season One and returns for Season Two not knowing if it should repeat Season One or completely reboot. This season has delighted even more in the puzzle-solving of what’s real and what isn’t and more importantly who is real. Jeffrey Wright should be getting a basket of Emmys at the end of this season if there is justice.
Legion avoided most of the above Season Two problems by being almost indecipherable in Season One and just plowing forward with more of the same this season. And as we get deeper into this season, there’s a narrative finally arising out of the ashes and I’m not sure if anyone is still around to enjoy it. I pair these two shows together for the main reason that they appeal to people who either are willing to watch an episode three to four times in a week or are happy to hit the Internet after the show to get some explanations. I’m the latter and I find myself needing to supplement each episode with a bit of research as to what I just witnessed. In an era of throwaway TV, I don’t mind that.
We entered Season Three of this show off of a bombshell finish to Season Two that certainly seemed like it could be the end. They’ve transitioned nicely into a more straightforward “robots about to revolt against humans” scenario. Mostly, I would just say to watch because Gemma Chan is so incredible. But this is the opposite end of the spectrum of Sci-Fi from the above two shows. There is no doubt as to what is happening, who is on what side and how the plot is progressing. It’s also just as refreshing to have a fun show that fills the gap for you between The Walking Dead and Preacher.
Gordon’s Cool Things:
Washington Capitals are Stanley Cup Champions
I don’t believe I’ve seen Mat write about sports in this column, nor do I know of any interest he may have in them, but what’s the fun of having a substitute if the rules don’t get bent? I am a hockey fan and it was cool to see the Washington Capitals and their fans celebrate winning their first Stanley Cup over the Las Vegas Golden Knights, four games to won. The Capitals came into the league in 1974 and only had one other appearance in the Stanley Cup Final, losing in a four-game sweep to defending champs the Detroit Red Wings. Over the years, they’ve had a lot of disappoint, from missing the playoffs their first eight seasons to numerous seasons where they won their Division but couldn’t make it out of the Second Round. All the past heartache was forgotten last night when the teams proved to be the best of the 2017-18 season.
David Letterman and Jerry Seinfeld interview
Netflix brought together two comedy giants, David Letterman, who now hosts My Next Guest Needs No Introduction on the streaming channel, and Jerry Seinfeld, whose Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee will begin airing there in July, for a discussion with one another. They would vacillate between asking serious and silly questions of one another, never staying in one mode too long, though how much was their doing and how much came from the editing is unclear. They’ve known each other since the L.A. comedy scene of the late ’70s, yet still are intrigued by the other. Interesting to watch one sing the highest of praises for the other, but refuse to accept similar praise, which both are deserving.
Rest in Peace, Anthony Bourdain
Was sad to wake up this morning and learn that not only had Anthony Bourdain died but he had reportedly committed suicide. He seemed to have a charmed life from the outside, from chef to best-selling author of Kitchen Confidential: Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly and onto award-winning travel-show host starring on Food Network’s A Cook’s Tour; Travel Channel’s Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations; and his current series, CNN’s Parts Unknown, which he was filming an episode of in France when he was found unresponsive by his friend, chef Eric Ripert. He was a man who appeared to relish life and the joys it offered, which makes the taking of his own life even harder to comprehend but then we only know the persona he revealed to the public, not the whole entirety of the man and what he dealt with on the inside. Learn from his life and improve yours.