The United States Post Office has had quite a challenging year. Leadership changes, cutbacks, setbacks, and financial woes are just a few of the things that this government agency has faced due to our current administration. But understanding how important timely mail delivery is, from letters and packages to medications and ballots, people from all across the United States showed their support for those whose work motto is “Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night, stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.” But what many Americans may not know is that since 1907, the United States Post Office has been working closely with Santa Claus to ensure that Christmas and the holidays happen for those who write to him.
In the new documentary, Dear Santa, director Dana Nachman explores how “elves” from all across the United States help the USPS deliver Christmas and the holidays through their “Operation Santa” program. From the “Pay It Forward” club at P.S. 253 in New York to the victims of the Paradise, California fires, this film follows the experiences of both the elves and Operation Santa recipients from different parts of the United States.
Dear Santa makes you believe in Santa and the spirit of Santa in this emotionally moving film. The year 2020 has been so rough and this is the kind of reminder in humanity that folks need. Nachman does a fantastic job of showing that the spirit of Santa transcends age, time, and faith as elves from all different backgrounds come together to help out people they have never met. While some elves just want to help, others like Damion, (whose non-profit the film follows) was a recipient of the Operation Santa magic as a child and his desire is to bring that same magic to others. The film is also a lesson in miracles for those who took a chance and wrote a letter. Watching the holidays happen for the gift recipients are some of the most beautiful moments Nachman captures in the film.
Dear Santa is from IFC Films, has a runtime of 83 minutes, andis in theaters and available on VOD now.
If you want to help Santa out and become an elf in the future, you can check out Operation Santa at www.uspsoperationsanta.com