With but a half season to go Breaking Bad is very near to completely proving itself to be one of the all-time greatest shows to have ever existed. The rise (or fall depending on how you look at it) of Walter White over five seasons has been some of the most riveting dramas on television.
Despite being labeled as “The Fifth Season,” this DVD set contains only the first half – eight episodes – of season five. But what a half season it was. I’ll not spoil anything except to say Walt finally sets the pieces in place to be the kingpin he was born to be but it never seems enough. Meanwhile he’s laid almost all of his enemies down, and continues to disenfranchise his friends and family.
Will the second half of season five (which airs in August) find Walter finally satisfied? Will he get caught and imprisoned? Or will he go out in one hell of a bang? Who knows, but I can’t wait to find out. Until then I’ll be reliving all my favorite moments in anticipation.
Also out this week that looks interesting:
A Good Day to Die Hard: The latest in this action franchise that won’t die has John McClane fighting baddies in Russia. The last one was bad and the reviews for this one were horrid, but I have to mention it because the original was just so darn good.
Clint Eastwood: 40 Film Collection: A nice box of Eastwood that tackle films from all over his career. It actually only contains 38 of his films plus two documentaries. There are definitely a few films missing and I didn’t take the time to note exactly which ones though a precursory look found the Man With No Name films and Flags of Our Fathers to not be included (though strangely Letters from Iwo Jima made it.) There doesn’t seem to be any extras and there are only 24 disks (which means they doubled up likely lessening the quality) but the price is decent and for fans of the actor/director who don’t need any bells and whistles its a good buy.
Muddy Waters – In Concert 1976: The legendary bluesman performed for European TV and now its on DVD.
Wilfred: The Complete Series: I’ve not seen any of this bizarre Australian comedy and only a few episodes of the American remake, but those few episodes were very funny and word on the street is that the original is better.
Adventure Time: The Complete Second Season: I’ve not seen a second of this cartoon comedy but have many friends who love it.
Warm Bodies: A romantic comedy about a girl who loves a zombie boy.
Bob Ross: The Happy Painter: You can’t be human and not love Bob Ross. He of the big hair, joyful attitude, and ability to paint amazing landscape pictures in mere minutes. This is a documentary about the man behind the paintbrush.