The Alien franchise, along with Titan Books, has published their own search-and-find book titled Find the Xenomorph. Can you find the dangerous aliens hiding throughout? How about their gooey eggs? The dead bodies they have left piled up behind them? This is not a search-and-find book for children.
Kevin Crossley has given us more than just aliens to find. Can you work your way from “Bursting with Fear” through 14 beautifully illustrated scenes from all over the mythos to come out of “The Final Battle?” You’ll begin with Facehuggers, move onto victims, hiding children, surviving colonists, and once you get to “They’re Coming Out of the Walls!” it will be time to find Aliens and, hopefully, pulse rifles. All of this leads up to your final boss battle with the dripping, drooling Queen. The horror of the pictures is even more cringe-worthy considering that you must stare deeply into them if you are going to find all the clues to the hidden monsters.
This is a Titan Book, so the quality is top notch. Color saturation and clarity are important when looking for hidden creatures, and Titan took care to be certain each magnificent drawing is crystal clear. Just find the Xenomorphs before they find you.