After a very successful first in-person comic convention in NYC in 18 months last July 17th 2021, the Big Apple Silver Anniversary Comic Con is locked in for September 25-26, 2021.
They are a NY staple, an historic, iconic, New York comic book and pop culture collectible event, serving the pop culture community. Non-corporate employee owned, we are of the city, in the city, and all for NYC, providing family friendly entertainment and one of the best known and frequented Comic Book collectible trade environments in United States. With this show, BACC begins a new era, changing the scope and focus of the comic convention.
In their new home in the iconic Art Deco architectural masterpiece The New Yorker Hotel, BACC will present for the first time in the history of comic conventions, a “Gallery of Great Collectible Comics.” One hundred of the greatest comic books from the Golden and Silver Age in a gallery exhibition for the two days of the show. With over $10 million in collectible value, the books on display will include among others: Mile High Superman #1; Bob Kane’s Detective #27 (1st appearance of Batman); Hulk #1; Amazing Fantasy #15 (1st appearance of Spider-Man). The exhibition’s primary sponsor is Ebay, and there will be a special press only premiere of the “Gallery” on Friday evening September 24th at 7pm.
Of course, the BACC Silver Anniversary show will include over 100 exhibitors, artists, guests and cosplayers, with a special focus on 30 up and coming artists from the NYC area.
Our partner Origins of Play will offer a comprehensive, playable history of video games, just pick your age and play all day.
For aspiring artists we are offering 4 graphic art workshops by the great Kubert School of Art, and for collectors there will be events on learning to grade comics and how to invest in collectibles.
We are also continuing our relationship with Covenant House sponsoring an art auction on Sunday September 26th to benefit the great work they do with young people.
There will be 4 of BACC’s rightfully famous cosplay contests (prizes by Ultimate Wireless).
Our guest list includes (among others):
- The innovative Suicide Squad/Harley Quinn team of Amanda Conner and Jim Palmiotti;
- Legendary Artist Jim Steranko
- Power Ranger Jason David Frank
- Magically artist/inker Keith Williams
- Shi’s creator Bill Tucci
For 25 years BACC has served New York’s pop culture community, creating a relaxed but exciting environment for the pleasure, trade, and advancement of comic book art and culture. At every show millions of dollars of precious collectible comics, trading cards, and other collectibles are exhibited and traded, as thousands of young and old fans enjoy the excitement of cosplay, games, artists and the books they love.
The Big Apple Comic Con Silver Anniversary
September 25-26 2021, 10am-7pm (early VIP admission 9am)
The New Yorker Hotel 481 8th Ave @ 34th St.
Tickets: Two day General Admission pass $45
Saturday 25: General Admission $30; VIP Admission $75; Kids under 14 $15, < 9, Free;
Sunday 26: General Admission $25; VIP Admission $50; Kids under 10 $10, <9, Free.
It’s Covid Clobberin’ time. We are back, we are vaccinated, we wear masks, let’s get out, meet up, and have a good time.